If you have ever faced a difficult situation with an employee, you know how quickly it can turn into a lawsuit. Where employees formerly complained around the water fountain, now they hire labor attorneys to go after you and your medical practice. Whether the issue involves hiring, firing, pay, benefits, contract interpretation, alleged harassment, or just a bad feeling, the effect on your practice can be devastating if the employee seeks legal action. Employment-related lawsuits are the plaintiff attorney’s new hot-button, as tort reform has reduced the frequency of medical malpractice-related claims.
Every physician and surgeon, whether in a large or small office, should consider purchasing Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI). Without this vital protection, you have an exposure that leaves you vulnerable.
EPLI covers suits against you by employees, vendors, independent contractors, or patients for actual or alleged acts such as:
- Wrongful Termination
- Discrimination
- Sexual or Workplace Harassment
- Breach of Employment Agreement
- Wrongful hiring
- Violation of Family Medical Leave Act
- Defamation of Character
- Failure to promote, etc.
Premiums are based on the number of employees in your practice. Legal expenses are covered outside the limit of liability. Third party suits against you, by vendors, independent contractors, sales representatives, patients, etc. are covered.