If your dental or oral surgeon malpractice insurance policy is written on a claims-made basis, it applies only to claims that occur between the retroactive date and the end of the policy period. If you drop your policy, or switch carriers, you may need to purchase an Extended Reporting Endorsement or “Tail” policy to maintain coverage after the policy has expired. The Tail Policy is an extension of dental malpractice insurance coverage. This Extended Reporting Endorsement, or Tail policy, will extend the period of time to make or report a claim. It allows the oral surgeon or dentist to report an incident or claim to his dental malpractice insurance company after his dental malpractice policy has ended. The dental work must have been done subsequent to the retroactive date on the policy. If the oral surgeon or dentist cancels a dental malpractice insurance policy or switches to a carrier that does not provide coverage for prior acts, there is a large additional premium for the Extended Reporting Endorsement or “Tail”—possibly as much as two or more times the current policy premium. Most dental and oral surgeon malpractice insurance companies offer the Extended Reporting Endorsement or “Tail” policy at no charge for death, disability, or retirement from the practice of dentistry.