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Most employers have faced difficult situations with employees. Whether the issue involves hiring, firing, pay, benefits, contract interpretation, alleged harassment, or even just a bad feeling, the effect can be devastating if the employee decides to seek legal action. Employment-related lawsuits are a plaintiff attorney’s new hot-button.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) is designed to protect and defend your practice and your reputation against such acts as: Wrongful Termination, Discrimination, Sexual or Workplace Harassment, Breach of Employment Agreement, Wrongful Hiring, Violation of Family Medical Leave Act, Defamation, Failure to Promote, etc.
Legal expenses, which can be significant because of the specialized nature of employment attorneys, are covered outside the limit of liability. Third party suits against you, by vendors, independent contractors, sales representatives, patients, etc. are covered. By purchasing an EPLI policy, you have access to specialized labor attorneys and excellent policies and procedures manuals.